Partners ======== Partners in ``django-pyas2`` mean all your trading partners with whom you will exchanges messages, i.e. they are the receivers when you send messages and the senders when you receive messages. Partners can be managed from the Django Admin. The admin lists the existing partners and also you gives the option to search them and create new ones. Each partner is characterized by the following fields: General Settings ---------------- ========================= ============================================ ========= Field Name Description Mandatory ========================= ============================================ ========= ``Partner Name`` The descriptive name of the partner. Yes ``As2 Identifier`` The as2 identifies for this partner as Yes communicated by the partner. ``Email Address`` The email address for the partner. No ``Target Url`` The HTTP/S endpoint of the partner to Yes which files need to be posted. ``Subject`` The MIME subject header to be sent along Yes with the file. ``Content Type`` The content type of the message being Yes transmitted, can be XML, X12 or EDIFACT. ``Confirmation Message`` Use this field to customize the confirmation No message sent in MDNs to partners. ========================= ============================================ ========= HTTP Authentication ------------------- Use these settings if basic authentication has been enabled for the partners AS2 server. ========================== =========================================== ========= Field Name Description Mandatory ========================== =========================================== ========= ``Enable Authentication`` Check this option to enable basic AUTH. No ``Http auth user`` User name to access the partners server. No ``Http auth pass`` Password to access the partners server. No ========================== =========================================== ========= Security Settings ----------------- ====================== ========================================== ========= Field Name Description Mandatory ====================== ========================================== ========= ``Compress Message`` Check this option to enable AS2 message No compression. ``Encrypt Message`` Select the algorithm to be used for No encrypting messages, defaults to None. ``Encryption Key`` Select the ``Public Key`` used for No encrypting the outbound messages to this partner. ``Sign Message`` Select the hash algorithm to be used for No signing messages, defaults to None. incoming messages from trading partners. ``Signature key`` The ``Public Key`` used to verify inbound No signed messages and MDNs from this partner ====================== ========================================== ========= MDN Settings ------------ ====================== ========================================== ========= Field Name Description Mandatory ====================== ========================================== ========= ``Request MDN`` Check this option to request MDN for Yes outbound messages to this partner. ``Mdn mode`` Select the MDN mode, defaults to No Synchronous ``Request Signed MDN`` Select the algorithm to be used in case No signed MDN is to be returned. ====================== ========================================== ========= Advanced Settings ----------------- ============================== ===================================================== ========= Field Name Description Mandatory ============================== ===================================================== ========= ``Keep Original Filename`` Use Original File name to to store file on receipt, No use this option only if you are sure partner sends unique names. ``Command on Message Send`` OS Command executed after successful message send, No replacements are ``$filename``, ``$sender``, ``$receiver``, ``$messageid`` and any message header such as ``$Subject`` ``Command on Message Receipt`` OS Command executed after successful message receipt, No replacements are ``$filename``, ``$fullfilename``, ``$sender``, ``$receiver``, ``$messageid`` and any message header such as ``$Subject``. ============================== ===================================================== =========