Configuration ============= The global settings for ``pyAS2`` are kept in a single configuration dictionary named ``PYAS2`` in your `project's `_ module. Below is a sample configuration: .. code-block:: python PYAS2 = { 'DATA_DIR' : '/path_to_datadir/data', 'MAX_RETRIES': 5, 'MDN_URL' : '', 'ASYNC_MDN_WAIT' : 30, 'MAX_ARCH_DAYS' : 30, } The available settings along with their usage is described below: +------------------------+----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Settings Name | Default Value | Usage | +========================+============================+================================================+ | DATA_DIR | MEDIA_ROOT or BASE_DIR | Full path to the base directory for storing | | | | messages | +------------------------+----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | MAX_RETRIES | 10 | Maximum number of retries for failed outgoing | | | | messages | +------------------------+----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | MDN_URL | ``None`` | Return URL for receiving asynchronous MDNs from| | | | partners. | +------------------------+----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | ASYNC_MDN_WAIT | 30 | Number of minutes to wait for asynchronous MDNs| | | | after which message will be marked as failed. | +------------------------+----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | MAX_ARCH_DAYS | 30 | Number of days files and messages are kept in | | | | storage. | +------------------------+----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ The Data Directory ------------------ The ``Data Directory`` is a file system directory that stores sent and received files. The location of this directory is set to either the ``MEDIA_ROOT`` or the project base folder by default. We can also change this directory by updating the ``DATA_DIR`` setting. The structure of the directory is below: .. code-block:: console {DATA DIRECTORY} └── messages ├── __store │ ├── mdn │ │ ├── received │ │ └── sent │ │ ├── 20150908 │ │ │ ├── 20150908115337.7244.44635@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air.local.mdn │ │ │ └── 20150908121942.7244.71894@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air.local.mdn │ │ └── 20150913 │ │ ├── 20150913071324.20065.47671@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air.local.mdn │ │ └── 20150913083125.20403.32480@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air.local.mdn │ └── payload │ ├── received │ │ ├── 20150908 │ │ │ ├── 20150908115458.7255.98107@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air.local │ │ │ └── 20150908121933.7343.83150@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air.local │ │ └── 20150913 │ │ ├── 20150913071323.20074.48016@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air.local │ │ └── 20150913083125.20475.14667@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air.local │ └── sent ├── p1as2 │ └── outbox │ └── p2as2 └── p2as2 └── inbox └── p1as2 ├── 20150908115458.7255.98107@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air.local.msg └── 20150913083125.20475.14667@Abhisheks-MacBook-Air.local.msg inbox ----- The inbox directory stores files received from your partners. The path of this directory is ``{DATA DIRECTORY}/messages/{ORG AS2 ID}/inbox/{PARTNER AS2 ID}``. We need to take this location into account when integrating ``django-pyas2`` with other applications. outbox ------ The outbox directory works in conjunction with the ``sendas2bulk`` process. The bulk process looks in all of the outbox directories and will trigger a transfer for each file found. The path of this directory is ``{DATA DIRECTORY}/messages/{PARTNER AS2 ID}/outbox/{ORG AS2 ID}``. __store ------ The __store directory contains the payloads and MDNs. The payload and MDN files are stored in the sent and received sub-directories respectively, and are further seperated by additional sub-directories for each day, named as YYYYMMDD.